Plotting Functions

pydtmc.plot_comparison(models, underlying_matrices='transition', names=None, dpi=100)[source]

The function plots the underlying matrices of the given models in the form of a heatmap.

  • models (List[Union[HiddenMarkovModel, MarkovChain]]) – the models.

  • underlying_matrices (str)

    • emission for comparing the emission matrices;

    • transition for comparing the transition matrices.

  • names (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each model subplot (if omitted, a standard name is given to each subplot).

  • dpi (int) – the resolution of the plot expressed in dots per inch.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:

Optional[Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]]

pydtmc.plot_eigenvalues(model, dpi=100)[source]

The function plots the eigenvalues of the transition matrix of the given model on the complex plane.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:

Optional[Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]]

pydtmc.plot_flow(model, steps, interval, initial_status=None, palette='viridis', dpi=100)[source]

The function produces an alluvial diagram of the given model.

  • model (Union[HiddenMarkovModel, MarkovChain]) – the model.

  • steps (int) – the number of steps.

  • interval (int) – the interval between each step.

  • initial_status (Optional[Union [int, str, ndarray, spmatrix]]) – the initial state or the initial distribution of the states (if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed).

  • palette (str) – the palette of the plot.

  • dpi (int) – the resolution of the plot expressed in dots per inch.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:

Optional[Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]]

pydtmc.plot_graph(model, nodes_color=True, nodes_shape=True, edges_label=True, force_standard=False, dpi=100)[source]

The function plots the directed graph of the given model.

  • If Matplotlib is in interactive mode, the plot is immediately displayed and the function does not return the plot handles.

  • Graphviz and pydot are not required, but they provide access to extended mode with improved rendering and additional features.

  • The rendering, especially in standard mode or for big graphs, is not granted to be high-quality.

  • For Markov chains, the color of nodes is based on communicating classes; for hidden Markov models, every state node has a different color and symbol nodes are gray.

  • For Markov chains, recurrent nodes have an elliptical shape and transient nodes have a rectangular shape; for hidden Markov models, state nodes have an elliptical shape and symbol nodes have a hexagonal shape.

  • model (Union[HiddenMarkovModel, MarkovChain]) – the model.

  • nodes_color (bool) – a boolean indicating whether to use a different color for every type of node.

  • nodes_shape (bool) – a boolean indicating whether to use a different shape for every type of node.

  • edges_label (bool) – a boolean indicating whether to display the probability of every edge as text.

  • force_standard (bool) – a boolean indicating whether to use standard mode even if extended mode is available.

  • dpi (int) – the resolution of the plot expressed in dots per inch.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:

Optional[Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]]

pydtmc.plot_redistributions(model, redistributions, initial_status=None, plot_type='projection', dpi=100)[source]

The function plots a redistribution of states on the given model.

  • model (Union[HiddenMarkovModel, MarkovChain]) – the model to be converted into a graph.

  • redistributions (int) – the number of redistributions to perform.

  • initial_status (Optional[Union [int, str, ndarray, spmatrix]]) – the initial state or the initial distribution of the states (if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed).

  • plot_type (str)

    • heatmap for displaying a heatmap plot;

    • projection for displaying a projection plot.

  • dpi (int) – the resolution of the plot expressed in dots per inch.

  • ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

  • ValueError – if the “distributions” parameter represents a sequence of redistributions and the “initial_status” parameter does not match its first element.

Return Type:

Optional[Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]]

pydtmc.plot_sequence(model, steps, initial_state=None, plot_type='histogram', seed=None, dpi=100)[source]

The function plots a random walk on the given model.

  • model (Union[HiddenMarkovModel, MarkovChain]) – the model.

  • steps (int) – the number of steps.

  • initial_state (Optional[Union [int, str]]) – the initial state of the random walk (if omitted, it is chosen uniformly at random).

  • plot_type (str)

    • heatmap for displaying heatmap-like plots;

    • histogram for displaying a histogram plots;

    • matrix for displaying matrix plots.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes.

  • dpi (int) – the resolution of the plot expressed in dots per inch.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:

Optional[Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]]