Source code for pydtmc.assessments

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__all__ = [


# Standard

import copy as _cp
import inspect as _ins
import math as _mt

# Libraries

import numpy as _np
import scipy.stats as _sps

# Internal

from .computations import (
    chi2_contingency as _chi2_contingency

from .custom_types import (
    tlist_str as _tlist_str,
    tmc as _tmc,
    tsequence as _tsequence,
    tsequences as _tsequences,
    ttest as _ttest

from .fitting import (
    mc_fit_sequence as _fit_sequence

from .utilities import (
    create_validation_error as _create_validation_error

from .validation import (
    validate_float as _validate_float,
    validate_integer as _validate_integer,
    validate_labels_input as _validate_labels_input,
    validate_markov_chain as _validate_markov_chain,
    validate_sequence as _validate_sequence,
    validate_sequences as _validate_sequences


# noinspection DuplicatedCode, PyBroadException
[docs]def assess_first_order(possible_states: _tlist_str, sequence: _tsequence, significance: float = 0.05) -> _ttest: """ The function verifies whether the given sequence can be associated to a first-order Markov process. :param possible_states: the possible states of the process. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :param significance: the p-value significance threshold below which to accept the alternative hypothesis. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, possible_states) significance = _validate_float(significance, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(0.2, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None sequence_indices, sequence_labels = _cp.deepcopy(sequence), [possible_states[state] for state in sequence] k, n = len(sequence) - 2, len(possible_states) chi2 = 0.0 for state in possible_states: ct = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float) for i in range(k): if state == sequence_labels[i + 1]: p = sequence_indices[i] f = sequence_indices[i + 2] ct[p, f] += 1 try: ct_chi2, _ = _chi2_contingency(ct) except Exception: ct_chi2 = float('nan') if _mt.isnan(ct_chi2): return None, float('nan'), {'chi2': float('nan'), 'dof': float('nan')} chi2 += ct_chi2 dof = n * (n - 1)**2 p_value = 1.0 - _sps.chi2.cdf(chi2, dof) rejection = p_value < significance return rejection, p_value, {'chi2': chi2, 'dof': dof}
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]def assess_homogeneity(possible_states: _tlist_str, sequences: _tsequences, significance: float = 0.05) -> _ttest: """ The function verifies whether the given sequences belong to the same Markov process. :param possible_states: the possible states of the process. :param sequences: the observed sequences of states. :param significance: the p-value significance threshold below which to accept the alternative hypothesis. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) sequences = _validate_sequences(sequences, possible_states, False) significance = _validate_float(significance, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(0.2, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None k, n = len(sequences), len(possible_states) intersections_found = [] for i in range(k): sequence_i = sequences[i] for j in range(k): sequence_j = sequences[j] if i != j: intersection = list(set(sequence_i) & set(sequence_j)) intersection_found = len(intersection) > 0 intersections_found.append(intersection_found) if not any(intersections_found): return None, float('nan'), {'chi2': float('nan'), 'dof': float('nan')} fs = [] f_pooled = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float) for sequence in sequences: f = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float) for i, j in zip(sequence[:-1], sequence[1:]): f[i, j] += 1.0 fs.append(f) f_pooled += f f_pooled_transitions = _np.sum(f_pooled) chi2 = 0.0 for f in fs: f_transitions = _np.sum(f) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): f_ij = f[i, j] f_pooled_ij = f_pooled[i, j] if f_ij > 0.0 and f_pooled_ij > 0.0: chi2 += f_ij * _np.log((f_pooled_transitions * f_ij) / (f_transitions * f_pooled_ij)) chi2 *= 2.0 dof = (n * (n - 1)) * (k - 1) p_value = 1.0 - _sps.chi2.cdf(chi2, dof) rejection = p_value < significance return rejection, p_value, {'chi2': chi2, 'dof': dof}
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]def assess_markov_property(possible_states: _tlist_str, sequence: _tsequence, significance: float = 0.05) -> _ttest: """ The function verifies whether the given sequence holds the Markov property. :param possible_states: the possible states of the process. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :param significance: the p-value significance threshold below which to accept the alternative hypothesis. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ def _fnp_iteration(fnp_row, fnp_n1, fnp_n2, fnp_c, fnp_p): a = fnp_n1[fnp_row, 0] b = fnp_n1[fnp_row, 1] c = fnp_n1[fnp_row, 2] p_jk = fnp_p[b, c] m1 = _np.argwhere(fnp_n2[:, 0] == a) + 1 m2 = _np.argwhere(fnp_n2[:, 1] == b) + 1 m = _np.ravel(_np.concatenate([m1, m2])) k = _np.setdiff1d(_np.arange(m.size), _np.unique(m, return_index=True)[1]).item() m_k = m[k] result = fnp_c[m_k - 1] * p_jk return result def _sorted_counts(sc_set): sf = _np.fliplr(sc_set) sfu = _np.unique(sf, axis=0) a = [".".join(item) for item in (sf + 1).astype(str)] b = sorted([".".join(item) for item in (sfu + 1).astype(str)]) indices = [a.index(x) for x in b] indices_length = len(indices) sts = sc_set[indices, :] so = _np.zeros(indices_length, dtype=int) for k in range(indices_length): so[k] = _np.sum(_np.all(sc_set == sts[k, :], axis=1)) return sts, so try: possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, possible_states) significance = _validate_float(significance, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(0.2, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, _ = _fit_sequence('mle', False, possible_states, sequence) sequence_indices, sequence_labels = _cp.deepcopy(sequence), [possible_states[state] for state in sequence] sequence_length = len(sequence) sample_length = sequence_length - (sequence_length % 3) sample = sequence_indices[:sample_length] c1 = sample[0:(sample_length - 2)] c2 = sample[1:(sample_length - 1)] c3 = sample[2:sample_length] set3 = _np.transpose(_np.array([c1, c2, c3])) sts3, so3 = _sorted_counts(set3) set2 = _np.transpose(_np.array([c1, c2])) sts2, s02 = _sorted_counts(set2) chi2 = 0.0 for i in range(so3.size): fnp = _fnp_iteration(i, sts3, sts2, s02, p) chi2 += ((so3[i] - fnp)**2.0) / fnp doubles = [f'{sequence_labels[i]}{sequence_labels[i + 1]}' for i in range(sequence_length - 1)] triples = [f'{sequence_labels[i]}{sequence_labels[i + 1]}{sequence_labels[i + 2]}' for i in range(sequence_length - 2)] dof = len(set(triples)) - len(set(doubles)) + len(set(sequence_labels)) - 1 p_value = 0.0 if dof == 0 else 1.0 - _sps.chi2.cdf(chi2, dof) rejection = p_value < significance return rejection, p_value, {'chi2': chi2, 'dof': dof}
[docs]def assess_stationarity(possible_states: _tlist_str, sequence: _tsequence, blocks: int = 1, significance: float = 0.05) -> _ttest: """ The function verifies whether the given sequence is stationary. :param possible_states: the possible states of the process. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :param blocks: the number of blocks in which the sequence is divided. :param significance: the p-value significance threshold below which to accept the alternative hypothesis. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ # noinspection PyBroadException def _chi2_contingency_inner(cc_ct): # pragma: no cover try: v, _ = _chi2_contingency(cc_ct) except Exception: v = float('nan') return v # noinspection PyBroadException def _chi2_standard_inner(cs_ct): # pragma: no cover try: v, _ = _sps.chisquare(_np.ravel(cs_ct)) except Exception: v = float('nan') return v try: possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, possible_states) blocks = _validate_integer(blocks, lower_limit=(1, False)) significance = _validate_float(significance, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(0.2, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None sequence_indices, sequence_labels = _cp.deepcopy(sequence), [possible_states[state] for state in sequence] k, n = len(sequence), len(possible_states) iters = k - 1 block_size = float(k) / blocks adjustment = 1.0 / n chi2_func = _chi2_standard_inner if blocks == 1 else _chi2_contingency_inner chi2 = 0.0 for state in possible_states: ct = _np.zeros((blocks, n), dtype=float) for i in range(iters): if sequence_labels[i] == state: p = _mt.ceil((i + 1) / block_size) - 1 f = sequence_indices[i + 1] ct[p, f] += 1.0 ct[_np.argwhere(_np.sum(ct, axis=1) == 0.0), :] = adjustment ct /= _np.sum(ct, axis=1, keepdims=True) ct_chi2 = chi2_func(ct) if _mt.isnan(ct_chi2): return None, float('nan'), {'chi2': float('nan'), 'dof': float('nan')} chi2 += ct_chi2 dof = n * (n - 1) * (blocks - 1) p_value = 0.0 if dof == 0 else 1.0 - _sps.chi2.cdf(chi2, dof) rejection = p_value < significance return rejection, p_value, {'chi2': chi2, 'dof': dof}
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]def assess_theoretical_compatibility(mc: _tmc, sequence: _tsequence, significance: float = 0.05) -> _ttest: """ The function verifies whether the given empirical sequence is statistically compatible with the given theoretical Markov process. :param mc: a Markov chain representing the theoretical process. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :param significance: the p-value significance threshold below which to accept the alternative hypothesis. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: mc = _validate_markov_chain(mc) sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, mc.states) significance = _validate_float(significance, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(0.2, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, n = mc.p, mc.size f = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=int) for i, j in zip(sequence[:-1], sequence[1:]): f[i, j] += 1 if _np.all(f[p == 0.0] == 0): chi2 = 0.0 for i in range(n): f_i = _np.sum(f[:, i]) for j in range(n): p_ij = p[i, j] f_ij = f[i, j] if p_ij > 0.0 and f_ij > 0: chi2 += f_ij * _np.log(f_ij / (f_i * p_ij)) chi2 *= 2.0 dof = (n * (n - 1)) - (n**2 - _np.count_nonzero(p)) p_value = 1.0 - _sps.chi2.cdf(chi2, dof) rejection = p_value < significance return rejection, p_value, {'chi2': chi2, 'dof': dof} return True, 0.0, {'chi2': float('nan'), 'dof': float('nan')}