Source code for pydtmc.hidden_markov_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__all__ = [


# Standard

import copy as _cp
import inspect as _ins

# Libraries

import numpy as _np
import numpy.linalg as _npl

# Internal

from .base_classes import (
    Model as _Model

from .custom_types import (
    ohmm_decoding as _ohmm_decoding,
    oint as _oint,
    olist_str as _olist_str,
    onumeric as _onumeric,
    ostate as _ostate,
    ostates as _ostates,
    ostatus as _ostatus,
    tarray as _tarray,
    tgraph as _tgraph,
    tgraphs as _tgraphs,
    thmm as _thmm,
    thmm_dict as _thmm_dict,
    thmm_dict_flex as _thmm_dict_flex,
    thmm_prediction as _thmm_prediction,
    thmm_sequence_ext as _thmm_sequence_ext,
    thmm_step as _thmm_step,
    thmm_symbols_ext as _thmm_symbols_ext,
    tlist_str as _tlist_str,
    tnumeric as _tnumeric,
    tpair_array as _tpair_array,
    tpair_int as _tpair_int,
    tpath as _tpath,
    tsequence as _tsequence,
    tstate as _tstate

from .decorators import (
    cached_property as _cached_property,
    object_mark as _object_mark

from .exceptions import (
    ValidationError as _ValidationError

from .files_io import (
    read_csv as _read_csv,
    read_json as _read_json,
    read_txt as _read_txt,
    read_xml as _read_xml,
    write_csv as _write_csv,
    write_json as _write_json,
    write_txt as _write_txt,
    write_xml as _write_xml

from .fitting import (
    hmm_fit as _fit,

from .generators import (
    hmm_estimate as _estimate,
    hmm_random as _random,
    hmm_restrict as _restrict

from .markov_chain import (
    MarkovChain as _MarkovChain

from .measures import (
    hmm_decode as _decode

from .simulations import (
    hmm_predict as _predict,
    hmm_simulate as _simulate

from .utilities import (
    build_hmm_graph as _build_hmm_graph,
    create_labels as _create_labels,
    create_rng as _create_rng,
    create_validation_error as _create_validation_error,
    get_caller as _get_caller,
    get_instance_generators as _get_instance_generators

from .validation import (
    validate_boolean as _validate_boolean,
    validate_dictionary as _validate_dictionary,
    validate_emission_matrix as _validate_emission_matrix,
    validate_enumerator as _validate_enumerator,
    validate_file_path as _validate_file_path,
    validate_graph as _validate_graph,
    validate_integer as _validate_integer,
    validate_label as _validate_label,
    validate_labels_current as _validate_labels_current,
    validate_labels_input as _validate_labels_input,
    validate_mask as _validate_mask,
    validate_matrix as _validate_matrix,
    validate_sequence as _validate_sequence,
    validate_sequences as _validate_sequences,
    validate_status as _validate_status,
    validate_transition_matrix as _validate_transition_matrix


[docs]class HiddenMarkovModel(_Model): """ Defines a hidden Markov model with the given transition and emission matrices. :param p: the transition matrix. :param e: the emission matrix. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1 with prefix P*). :param symbols: the name of each symbol (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1 with prefix E*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ __instance_generators: _olist_str = None def __init__(self, p: _tnumeric, e: _tnumeric, states: _olist_str = None, symbols: _olist_str = None): if HiddenMarkovModel.__instance_generators is None: HiddenMarkovModel.__instance_generators = _get_instance_generators(self.__class__) caller = _get_caller(_ins.stack()) if caller not in HiddenMarkovModel.__instance_generators: try: p = _validate_transition_matrix(p) e = _validate_emission_matrix(e, p.shape[1]) states = _create_labels(p.shape[1], 'P') if states is None else _validate_labels_input(states, p.shape[1]) symbols = _create_labels(e.shape[1], 'E') if symbols is None else _validate_labels_input(symbols, e.shape[1]) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if len(list(set(states) & set(symbols))) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('State names and symbol names must be different.') self.__digraph: _tgraph = _build_hmm_graph(p, e, states, symbols) self.__e: _tarray = e self.__p: _tarray = p self.__size: _tpair_int = (p.shape[1], e.shape[1]) self.__states: _tlist_str = states self.__symbols: _tlist_str = symbols def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, HiddenMarkovModel): return _np.array_equal(self.p, other.p) and _np.array_equal(self.e, other.e) and self.states == other.states and self.symbols == other.symbols return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.p.tobytes(), self.e.tobytes(), tuple(self.states), tuple(self.symbols))) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ # noinspection PyListCreation def __str__(self) -> str: lines = [''] lines.append('HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL') lines.append(f' STATES: {self.n:d}') lines.append(f' SYMBOLS: {self.k:d}') lines.append(f' ERGODIC: {("YES" if self.is_ergodic else "NO")}') lines.append(f' REGULAR: {("YES" if self.is_regular else "NO")}') lines.append('') value = '\n'.join(lines) return value @property def e(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the emission matrix of the hidden Markov model. """ return _np.copy(self.__e)
[docs] @_cached_property def is_ergodic(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the hidden Markov model is ergodic. """ mc = _MarkovChain(self.__p, self.__states) result = mc.is_ergodic and _np.all(self.__e > 0.0) return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_regular(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the hidden Markov model is regular. """ result = _npl.matrix_rank(self.__e) == self.__size[1] return result
@property def k(self) -> int: """ A property representing the size of the hidden Markov model symbol space. """ return self.__size[1] @property def n(self) -> int: """ A property representing the size of the hidden Markov model state space. """ return self.__size[0] @property def p(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the transition matrix of the hidden Markov model. """ return _np.copy(self.__p) @property def size(self) -> _tpair_int: """ | A property representing the size of the hidden Markov model. | The first value represents the number of states, the second value represents the number of symbols. """ return self.__size @property def states(self) -> _tlist_str: """ A property representing the states of the hidden Markov model. """ return self.__states @property def symbols(self) -> _tlist_str: """ A property representing the symbols of the hidden Markov model. """ return self.__symbols
[docs] def decode(self, symbols: _tsequence, initial_status: _ostatus = None, use_scaling: bool = True) -> _ohmm_decoding: """ The method calculates the log probability, the posterior probabilities, the backward probabilities and the forward probabilities of an observed sequence of symbols. | **Notes:** - If the observed sequence of symbols cannot be decoded, then :py:class:`None` is returned. :param symbols: the observed sequence of symbols. :param initial_status: the initial state or the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :param use_scaling: a boolean indicating whether to return scaled backward and forward probabilities together with their scaling factors. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: symbols = _validate_sequence(symbols, self.__symbols) initial_status = _np.full(self.__size[0], 1.0 / self.__size[0], dtype=float) if initial_status is None else _validate_status(initial_status, self.__states) use_scaling = _validate_boolean(use_scaling) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _decode(self.__p, self.__e, initial_status, symbols, use_scaling) return value
[docs] def emission_probability(self, symbol: _tstate, state: _tstate) -> float: """ The method computes the probability of a given symbol, conditioned on the process being at a given state. :param symbol: the target symbol. :param state: the origin state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: symbol = _validate_label(symbol, self.__symbols) state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = self.__e[state, symbol] return value
[docs] @_object_mark(random_output=True) def next(self, initial_state: _tstate, target: str = 'both', output_index: bool = False, seed: _oint = None) -> _thmm_step: """ The method simulates a single step in a random walk. :param initial_state: the initial state. :param target: - **state** for a random state; - **symbol** for a random symbol; - **both** for a random state and a random symbol. :param output_index: a boolean indicating whether to output the state index. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) target = _validate_enumerator(target, ['both', 'state', 'symbol']) initial_state = _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) output_index = _validate_boolean(output_index) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None simulation = _simulate(self, 1, initial_state, None, None, rng) if target == 'state': value = simulation[0][-1] if output_index else self.__states[simulation[0][-1]] elif target == 'symbol': value = simulation[1][-1] if output_index else self.__symbols[simulation[1][-1]] else: v0 = simulation[0][-1] if output_index else self.__states[simulation[0][-1]] v1 = simulation[1][-1] if output_index else self.__symbols[simulation[1][-1]] value = (v0, v1) return value
[docs] def predict(self, prediction_type: str, symbols: _tsequence, initial_status: _ostatus = None, output_indices: bool = False) -> _thmm_prediction: """ The method calculates the log probability and the most probable states path of an observed sequence of symbols. | **Notes:** - If the maximum a posteriori prediction is used and the observed sequence of symbols cannot be decoded, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - If the maximum likelihood prediction is used and the observed sequence of symbols produces null transition probabilities, then :py:class:`None` is returned. :param prediction_type: - **map** for the maximum a posteriori prediction; - **mle** or **viterbi** for the maximum likelihood prediction. :param symbols: the observed sequence of symbols. :param initial_status: the initial state or the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :param output_indices: a boolean indicating whether to output the state indices. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: prediction_type = _validate_enumerator(prediction_type, ['map', 'mle', 'viterbi']) symbols = _validate_sequence(symbols, self.__symbols) initial_status = _np.full(self.__size[0], 1.0 / self.__size[0], dtype=float) if initial_status is None else _validate_status(initial_status, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _predict(prediction_type, self.__p, self.__e, initial_status, symbols) if value is not None and not output_indices: value = (value[0], [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, value[1])]) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def restrict(self, states: _ostates = None, symbols: _ostates = None) -> _thmm: """ The method returns a submodel restricted to the given states and symbols. | **Notes:** - Submodel transition and emission matrices are normalized so that their rows sum to 1.0. - Submodel transition and emission matrices whose rows sum to 0.0 are replaced by uniformly distributed probabilities. :param states: the states to include in the submodel. :param symbols: the symbols to include in the submodel. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ if states is None and symbols is None: raise _ValidationError('Either submodel states or submodel symbols must be defined.') try: states = list(range(self.__size[0])) if states is None else _validate_labels_current(states, self.__states, True, 2) symbols = list(range(self.__size[1])) if symbols is None else _validate_labels_current(symbols, self.__symbols, True, 2) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, e, states_out, symbols_out, _ = _restrict(self.__p, self.__e, self.__states, self.__symbols, states, symbols) hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, states_out, symbols_out) return hmm
[docs] @_object_mark(random_output=True) def simulate(self, steps: int, initial_state: _ostate = None, final_state: _ostate = None, final_symbol: _ostate = None, output_indices: bool = False, seed: _oint = None) -> _thmm_sequence_ext: """ The method simulates a random sequence of states and symbols of the given number of steps. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_state: the initial state (*if omitted, it is chosen uniformly at random*). :param final_state: the final state of the simulation (*if specified, the simulation stops as soon as it is reached even if not all the steps have been performed*). :param final_symbol: the final state of the simulation (*if specified, the simulation stops as soon as it is reached even if not all the steps have been performed*). :param output_indices: a boolean indicating whether to output the state indices. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(2, False)) initial_state = rng.randint(0, self.__size[0]) if initial_state is None else _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) final_state = None if final_state is None else _validate_label(final_state, self.__states) final_symbol = None if final_symbol is None else _validate_label(final_symbol, self.__symbols) output_indices = _validate_boolean(output_indices) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _simulate(self, steps, initial_state, final_state, final_symbol, rng) if not output_indices: v0 = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, value[0])] v1 = [*map(self.__symbols.__getitem__, value[1])] value = (v0, v1) return value
[docs] def to_dictionary(self) -> _thmm_dict: """ The method returns a dictionary representing the hidden Markov model. """ n, k = self.__size d = {} for i in range(n): state = self.__states[i] for j in range(n): d[('P', state, self.__states[j])] = self.__p[i, j] for j in range(k): d[('E', state, self.__symbols[j])] = self.__e[i, j] return d
[docs] def to_file(self, file_path: _tpath): """ The method writes a hidden Markov model to the given file. | Only **csv**, **json**, **txt** and **xml** files are supported; data format is inferred from the file extension. :param file_path: the location of the file in which the hidden Markov model must be written. :raises OSError: if the file cannot be written. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: file_path, file_extension = _validate_file_path(file_path, ['.csv', '.json', '.xml', '.txt'], True) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None d = self.to_dictionary() if file_extension == '.csv': _write_csv(False, d, file_path) elif file_extension == '.json': _write_json(False, d, file_path) elif file_extension == '.txt': _write_txt(d, file_path) else: _write_xml(False, d, file_path)
[docs] def to_graph(self) -> _tgraph: """ The method returns a directed graph representing the hidden Markov model. """ graph = _cp.deepcopy(self.__digraph) return graph
[docs] def to_matrices(self) -> _tpair_array: """ The method returns a tuple of two items representing the underlying matrices of the hidden Markov model. | The first item is the transition matrix and the second item is the emission matrix. """ m = (_np.copy(self.__p), _np.copy(self.__e)) return m
[docs] def transition_probability(self, state_target: _tstate, state_origin: _tstate) -> float: """ The method computes the probability of a given state, conditioned on the process being at a given state. :param state_target: the target state. :param state_origin: the origin state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state_target = _validate_label(state_target, self.__states) state_origin = _validate_label(state_origin, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = self.__p[state_origin, state_target] return value
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def estimate(possible_states: _tlist_str, possible_symbols: _tlist_str, sequence_states: _tsequence, sequence_symbols: _tsequence) -> _thmm: """ The method performs the maximum likelihood estimation of transition and emission probabilities from an observed sequence of states and symbols. :param possible_states: the possible states of the model. :param possible_symbols: the possible symbols of the model. :param sequence_states: the observed sequence of states. :param sequence_symbols: the observed sequence of symbols. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) possible_symbols = _validate_labels_input(possible_symbols) sequence_states = _validate_sequence(sequence_states, possible_states) sequence_symbols = _validate_sequence(sequence_symbols, possible_symbols) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if len(list(set(possible_states) & set(possible_symbols))) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('State names and symbol names must be different.') if len(sequence_states) != len(sequence_symbols): raise ValueError('The observed sequence of states and the observed sequence of symbols must have the same length.') p, e = _estimate(len(possible_states), len(possible_symbols), sequence_states, sequence_symbols, True) hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, possible_states, possible_symbols) return hmm
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def fit(fitting_type: str, possible_states: _tlist_str, possible_symbols: _tlist_str, p_guess: _tarray, e_guess: _tarray, symbols: _thmm_symbols_ext, initial_status: _ostatus = None) -> _thmm: """ The method fits a hidden Markov model from an initial guess and one or more observed sequences of symbols. :param fitting_type: - **baum-welch** for the Baum-Welch fitting; - **map** for the maximum a posteriori fitting; - **mle** or **viterbi** for the maximum likelihood fitting. :param possible_states: the possible states of the model. :param possible_symbols: the possible symbols of the model. :param p_guess: the initial transition matrix guess. :param e_guess: the initial emission matrix guess. :param symbols: the observed sequence(s) of symbols. :param initial_status: the initial state or the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the fitting algorithm fails to converge. """ try: fitting_type = _validate_enumerator(fitting_type, ['baum-welch', 'map', 'mle', 'viterbi']) possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) possible_symbols = _validate_labels_input(possible_symbols) p_guess = _validate_transition_matrix(p_guess, len(possible_states)) e_guess = _validate_emission_matrix(e_guess, p_guess.shape[1]) symbols = _validate_sequences(symbols, possible_symbols, True) initial_status = _np.full(len(possible_states), 1.0 / len(possible_states), dtype=float) if initial_status is None else _validate_status(initial_status, possible_states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if len(list(set(possible_states) & set(possible_symbols))) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('State names and symbol names must be different.') p, e, error_message = _fit(fitting_type, p_guess, e_guess, initial_status, symbols) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, possible_states, possible_symbols) return hmm
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_dictionary(d: _thmm_dict_flex) -> _thmm: """ The method generates a hidden Markov model from the given dictionary, whose keys represent state pairs and whose values represent transition probabilities. :param d: the dictionary to transform into the transition matrix. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the transition matrix defined by the dictionary is not valid. """ try: d = _validate_dictionary(d, ['P', 'E']) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None states = [key[1] for key in d.keys() if key[0] == 'P' and key[1] == key[2]] n = len(states) if n < 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The size of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must be greater than or equal to 2.') symbols = [key[2] for key in d.keys() if key[0] == 'E' and key[1] == states[0]] k = len(symbols) if k < 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The size of the emission matrix defined by the dictionary must be greater than or equal to 2.') p, e = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float), _np.zeros((n, k), dtype=float) for (reference, element_from, element_to), probability in d.items(): if reference == 'E': e[states.index(element_from), symbols.index(element_to)] = probability else: p[states.index(element_from), states.index(element_to)] = probability if not _np.allclose(_np.sum(p, axis=1), _np.ones(n, dtype=float)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The rows of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must sum to 1.0.') if not _np.allclose(_np.sum(e, axis=1), _np.ones(n, dtype=float)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The rows of the emission matrix defined by the dictionary must sum to 1.0.') hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, states, symbols) return hmm
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_file(file_path: _tpath) -> _thmm: r""" The method reads a hidden Markov model from the given file. | Only **csv**, **json**, **txt** and **xml** files are supported; data format is inferred from the file extension. | Transition probabilities are associated to reference attribute "P", emission probabilities are associated to reference attribute "E". | In **csv** files, data must be structured as follows: - *Delimiter:* **comma** - *Quoting:* **minimal** - *Quote Character:* **double quote** - *Header Row:* state names (prefixed with "P\_") and symbol names (prefixed with "E\_") - *Data Rows:* **probabilities** | In **json** files, data must be structured as an array of objects with the following properties: - **reference** *(string)* - **element_from** *(string)* - **element_to** *(string)* - **probability** *(float or int)* | In **txt** files, every line of the file must have the following format: - **<reference> <element_from> <element_to> <probability>** | In **xml** files, the structure must be defined as follows: - *Root Element:* **HiddenMarkovModel** - *Child Elements:* **Item**\ *, with attributes:* - **reference** *(string)* - **element_from** *(string)* - **element_to** *(string)* - **probability** *(float or int)* :param file_path: the location of the file that defines the hidden Markov model. :raises FileNotFoundError: if the file does not exist. :raises OSError: if the file cannot be read or is empty. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the file contains invalid data. """ try: file_path, file_extension = _validate_file_path(file_path, ['.csv', '.json', '.xml', '.txt'], False) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if file_extension == '.csv': d = _read_csv(False, file_path) elif file_extension == '.json': d = _read_json(False, file_path) elif file_extension == '.txt': d = _read_txt(False, file_path) else: d = _read_xml(False, file_path) states = [key[1] for key in d if key[0] == 'P' and key[1] == key[2]] n = len(states) if n < 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The size of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must be greater than or equal to 2.') symbols = [key[2] for key in d if key[0] == 'E' and key[1] == states[0]] k = len(symbols) if k < 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The size of the emission matrix defined by the dictionary must be greater than or equal to 2.') p, e = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float), _np.zeros((n, k), dtype=float) for (reference, element_from, element_to), probability in d.items(): if reference == 'E': e[states.index(element_from), symbols.index(element_to)] = probability else: p[states.index(element_from), states.index(element_to)] = probability if not _np.allclose(_np.sum(p, axis=1), _np.ones(n, dtype=float)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The rows of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must sum to 1.0.') if not _np.allclose(_np.sum(e, axis=1), _np.ones(n, dtype=float)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The rows of the emission matrix defined by the dictionary must sum to 1.0.') hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, states, symbols) return hmm
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_graph(graph: _tgraphs) -> _thmm: """ The method generates a hidden Markov model from the given directed graph, whose transition and emission matrices are obtained through the normalization of edge weights. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: graph = _validate_graph(graph, 2, [('type', ('E', 'P'))]) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None nodes = graph.nodes(data='layer', default=-1) states = [node[0] for node in nodes if node[1] == 1] symbols = [node[0] for node in nodes if node[1] == 0] n, k = len(states), len(symbols) p, e = _np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float), _np.zeros((n, k), dtype=float) edge_types = graph.edges(data='type', default='') edge_weights = graph.edges(data='weight', default=0.0) for edge in graph.edges: edge_type = [edge_type[2] for edge_type in edge_types if edge_type[0] == edge[0] and edge_type[1] == edge[1]][0] edge_weight = [edge_weight[2] for edge_weight in edge_weights if edge_weight[0] == edge[0] and edge_weight[1] == edge[1]][0] i = states.index(edge[0]) if edge_type == 'E': j = symbols.index(edge[1]) e[i, j] = float(edge_weight) else: j = states.index(edge[1]) p[i, j] = float(edge_weight) p_sums, e_sums = _np.sum(p, axis=1), _np.sum(e, axis=1) for i in range(n): p_sums_i = p_sums[i] if _np.isclose(p_sums_i, 0.0): # pragma: no cover p[i, :] = _np.ones(n, dtype=float) / n else: p[i, :] /= p_sums_i e_sums_i = e_sums[i] if _np.isclose(e_sums_i, 0.0): # pragma: no cover e[i, :] = _np.ones(k, dtype=float) / k else: e[i, :] /= e_sums_i hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, states, symbols) return hmm
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_matrices(mp: _tnumeric, me: _tnumeric, states: _olist_str = None, symbols: _olist_str = None) -> _thmm: """ The method generates a hidden Markov model whose transition and emission matrices are obtained through the normalization of the given matrices. :param mp: the matrix to transform into the transition matrix. :param me: the matrix to transform into the emission matrix. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1 with prefix P*). :param symbols: the name of each symbol (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1 with prefix E*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: mp = _validate_matrix(mp) me = _validate_matrix(me, rows=mp.shape[1]) states = _create_labels(mp.shape[1], 'P') if states is None else _validate_labels_input(states, mp.shape[1]) symbols = _create_labels(me.shape[1], 'E') if symbols is None else _validate_labels_input(symbols, me.shape[1]) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if len(list(set(states) & set(symbols))) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('State names and symbol names must be different.') n, k = mp.shape[0], me.shape[1] p, e = _np.copy(mp), _np.copy(me) p_sums, e_sums = _np.sum(p, axis=1), _np.sum(e, axis=1) for i in range(n): p_sums_i = p_sums[i] if _np.isclose(p_sums_i, 0.0): # pragma: no cover p[i, :] = _np.ones(n, dtype=float) / n else: p[i, :] /= p_sums_i e_sums_i = e_sums[i] if _np.isclose(e_sums_i, 0.0): # pragma: no cover e[i, :] = _np.ones(k, dtype=float) / k else: e[i, :] /= e_sums_i hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, states, symbols) return hmm
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True, random_output=True) def random(n: int, k: int, states: _olist_str = None, p_zeros: int = 0, p_mask: _onumeric = None, symbols: _olist_str = None, e_zeros: int = 0, e_mask: _onumeric = None, seed: _oint = None) -> _thmm: """ The method generates a Markov chain of given size with random transition probabilities. | **Notes:** - In the mask parameter, undefined transition probabilities are represented by *NaN* values. :param n: the number of states. :param k: the number of symbols. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1 with prefix P*). :param p_zeros: the number of null transition probabilities. :param p_mask: a matrix representing locations and values of fixed transition probabilities. :param symbols: the name of each symbol (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1 with prefix E*). :param e_zeros: the number of null emission probabilities. :param e_mask: a matrix representing locations and values of fixed emission probabilities. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) n = _validate_integer(n, lower_limit=(2, False)) k = _validate_integer(k, lower_limit=(2, False)) if states is not None: states = _validate_labels_input(states, n) p_zeros = _validate_integer(p_zeros, lower_limit=(0, False)) p_mask = _np.full((n, n), _np.nan, dtype=float) if p_mask is None else _validate_mask(p_mask, n, n) if symbols is not None: symbols = _validate_labels_input(symbols, k) e_zeros = _validate_integer(e_zeros, lower_limit=(0, False)) e_mask = _np.full((n, k), _np.nan, dtype=float) if e_mask is None else _validate_mask(e_mask, n, k) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, e, states_out, symbols_out, error_message = _random(rng, n, k, p_zeros, p_mask, e_zeros, e_mask) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError(error_message) states = states_out if states is None else states symbols = symbols_out if symbols is None else symbols if len(list(set(states) & set(symbols))) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('State names and symbol names must be different.') hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(p, e, states, symbols) return hmm