Source code for pydtmc.markov_chain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__all__ = [


# Standard

import copy as _cp
import inspect as _ins
import itertools as _it
import math as _mt

# Libraries

import networkx as _nx
import numpy as _np
import numpy.linalg as _npl

# Internal

from .base_classes import (
    Model as _Model

from .computations import (
    calculate_periods as _calculate_periods,
    eigenvalues_sorted as _eigenvalues_sorted,
    find_cyclic_classes as _find_cyclic_classes,
    find_lumping_partitions as _find_lumping_partitions,
    gth_solve as _gth_solve,
    rdl_decomposition as _rdl_decomposition,
    slem as _slem

from .custom_types import (
    oarray as _oarray,
    ofloat as _ofloat,
    oint as _oint,
    ointerval as _ointerval,
    olist_str as _olist_str,
    onumeric as _onumeric,
    osequence as _osequence,
    ostate as _ostate,
    ostates as _ostates,
    ostatus as _ostatus,
    otimes_out as _otimes_out,
    tany as _tany,
    tarray as _tarray,
    tbcond as _tbcond,
    tcache as _tcache,
    tgraph as _tgraph,
    tgraphs as _tgraphs,
    tlist_array as _tlist_array,
    tlist_int as _tlist_int,
    tlist_str as _tlist_str,
    tlists_int as _tlists_int,
    tlists_str as _tlists_str,
    tmc as _tmc,
    tmc_dict as _tmc_dict,
    tmc_dict_flex as _tmc_dict_flex,
    tnumeric as _tnumeric,
    tpartition as _tpartition,
    tpartitions as _tpartitions,
    tpath as _tpath,
    trandfunc_flex as _trandfunc_flex,
    trdl as _trdl,
    tredists as _tredists,
    tsequence as _tsequence,
    tstate as _tstate,
    tstates as _tstates,
    ttfunc as _ttfunc,
    ttimes_in as _ttimes_in,
    tweights as _tweights

from .decorators import (
    aliased as _aliased,
    cached_property as _cached_property,
    object_mark as _object_mark

from .exceptions import (
    ValidationError as _ValidationError

from .files_io import (
    read_csv as _read_csv,
    read_json as _read_json,
    read_txt as _read_txt,
    read_xml as _read_xml,
    write_csv as _write_csv,
    write_json as _write_json,
    write_txt as _write_txt,
    write_xml as _write_xml

from .fitting import (
    mc_fit_function as _fit_function,
    mc_fit_sequence as _fit_sequence

from .generators import (
    mc_aggregate_spectral_bottom_up as _aggregate_spectral_bottom_up,
    mc_aggregate_spectral_top_down as _aggregate_spectral_top_down,
    mc_approximation as _approximation,
    mc_birth_death as _birth_death,
    mc_bounded as _bounded,
    mc_canonical as _canonical,
    mc_closest_reversible as _closest_reversible,
    mc_dirichlet_process as _dirichlet_process,
    mc_gamblers_ruin as _gamblers_ruin,
    mc_lazy as _lazy,
    mc_lump as _lump,
    mc_population_genetics_model as _population_genetics_model,
    mc_random as _random,
    mc_sub as _sub,
    mc_urn_model as _urn_model

from .measures import (
    mc_absorption_probabilities as _absorption_probabilities,
    mc_committor_probabilities as _committor_probabilities,
    mc_expected_rewards as _expected_rewards,
    mc_expected_transitions as _expected_transitions,
    mc_first_passage_reward as _first_passage_reward,
    mc_first_passage_probabilities as _first_passage_probabilities,
    mc_hitting_probabilities as _hitting_probabilities,
    mc_hitting_times as _hitting_times,
    mc_mean_absorption_times as _mean_absorption_times,
    mc_mean_first_passage_times_between as _mean_first_passage_times_between,
    mc_mean_first_passage_times_to as _mean_first_passage_times_to,
    mc_mean_number_visits as _mean_number_visits,
    mc_mean_recurrence_times as _mean_recurrence_times,
    mc_mixing_time as _mixing_time,
    mc_sensitivity as _sensitivity,
    mc_time_correlations as _time_correlations,
    mc_time_relaxations as _time_relaxations

from .simulations import (
    mc_predict as _predict,
    mc_redistribute as _redistribute,
    mc_sequence_probability as _sequence_probability,
    mc_simulate as _simulate

from .utilities import (
    build_mc_graph as _build_mc_graph,
    create_labels as _create_labels,
    create_rng as _create_rng,
    create_validation_error as _create_validation_error,
    get_caller as _get_caller,
    get_instance_generators as _get_instance_generators,
    get_numpy_random_distributions as _get_numpy_random_distributions

from .validation import (
    validate_boolean as _validate_boolean,
    validate_boundary_condition as _validate_boundary_condition,
    validate_dictionary as _validate_dictionary,
    validate_enumerator as _validate_enumerator,
    validate_file_path as _validate_file_path,
    validate_float as _validate_float,
    validate_graph as _validate_graph,
    validate_hyperparameter as _validate_hyperparameter,
    validate_integer as _validate_integer,
    validate_interval as _validate_interval,
    validate_label as _validate_label,
    validate_labels_current as _validate_labels_current,
    validate_labels_input as _validate_labels_input,
    validate_mask as _validate_mask,
    validate_markov_chain as _validate_markov_chain,
    validate_matrix as _validate_matrix,
    validate_partitions as _validate_partitions,
    validate_random_distribution as _validate_random_distribution,
    validate_rewards as _validate_rewards,
    validate_sequence as _validate_sequence,
    validate_status as _validate_status,
    validate_time_points as _validate_time_points,
    validate_transition_function as _validate_transition_function,
    validate_transition_matrix as _validate_transition_matrix,
    validate_vector as _validate_vector


[docs]@_aliased class MarkovChain(_Model): """ Defines a Markov chain with the given transition matrix. :param p: the transition matrix. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ __instance_generators: _olist_str = None __random_distributions: _olist_str = None def __init__(self, p: _tnumeric, states: _olist_str = None): if MarkovChain.__instance_generators is None: MarkovChain.__instance_generators = _get_instance_generators(self.__class__) caller = _get_caller(_ins.stack()) if caller not in MarkovChain.__instance_generators: try: p = _validate_transition_matrix(p) states = _create_labels(p.shape[1]) if states is None else _validate_labels_input(states, p.shape[1]) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None self.__cache: _tcache = {} self.__digraph: _tgraph = _build_mc_graph(p, states) self.__p: _tarray = p self.__size: int = p.shape[1] self.__states: _tlist_str = states def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, MarkovChain): return _np.array_equal(self.p, other.p) and self.states == other.states return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.p.tobytes(), tuple(self.states))) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ # noinspection PyListCreation def __str__(self) -> str: lines = [''] lines.append('DISCRETE-TIME MARKOV CHAIN') lines.append(f' SIZE: {self.size:d}') lines.append(f' RANK: {self.rank:d}') lines.append(f' CLASSES: {len(self.communicating_classes):d}') lines.append(f' > RECURRENT: {len(self.recurrent_classes):d}') lines.append(f' > TRANSIENT: {len(self.transient_classes):d}') lines.append(f' ERGODIC: {("YES" if self.is_ergodic else "NO")}') lines.append(f' > APERIODIC: {("YES" if self.is_aperiodic else "NO (" + str(self.period) + ")")}') lines.append(f' > IRREDUCIBLE: {("YES" if self.is_irreducible else "NO")}') lines.append(f' ABSORBING: {("YES" if self.is_absorbing else "NO")}') lines.append(f' MONOTONE: {("YES" if self.is_stochastically_monotone else "NO")}') lines.append(f' REGULAR: {("YES" if self.is_regular else "NO")}') lines.append(f' REVERSIBLE: {("YES" if self.is_reversible else "NO")}') lines.append(f' SYMMETRIC: {("YES" if self.is_symmetric else "NO")}') lines.append('') value = '\n'.join(lines) return value @_cached_property def __absorbing_states_indices(self) -> _tlist_int: indices = [index for index in range(self.__size) if _np.isclose(self.__p[index, index], 1.0)] return indices @_cached_property def __classes_indices(self) -> _tlists_int: indices = [sorted([self.__states.index(c) for c in scc]) for scc in _nx.strongly_connected_components(self.__digraph)] return indices @_cached_property def __communicating_classes_indices(self) -> _tlists_int: indices = sorted(self.__classes_indices, key=lambda x: (-len(x), x[0])) return indices @_cached_property def __cyclic_classes_indices(self) -> _tlists_int: if not self.is_irreducible: indices = [] elif self.is_aperiodic: indices = self.__communicating_classes_indices.copy() else: indices = _find_cyclic_classes(self.__p) indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda x: (-len(x), x[0])) return indices @_cached_property def __cyclic_states_indices(self) -> _tlist_int: indices = sorted(_it.chain.from_iterable(self.__cyclic_classes_indices)) return indices @_cached_property def __eigenvalues_sorted(self) -> _tarray: ev = _eigenvalues_sorted(self.__p) return ev @_cached_property def __rdl_decomposition(self) -> _trdl: r, d, l = _rdl_decomposition(self.__p) # noqa: E741 return r, d, l @_cached_property def __recurrent_classes_indices(self) -> _tlists_int: indices = [index for index in self.__classes_indices if index not in self.__transient_classes_indices] indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda x: (-len(x), x[0])) return indices @_cached_property def __recurrent_states_indices(self) -> _tlist_int: indices = sorted(_it.chain.from_iterable(self.__recurrent_classes_indices)) return indices @_cached_property def __slem(self) -> _ofloat: if not self.is_ergodic: value = None else: value = _slem(self.__p) return value @_cached_property def __states_indices(self) -> _tlist_int: indices = list(range(self.__size)) return indices @_cached_property def __transient_classes_indices(self) -> _tlists_int: edges = {edge1 for (edge1, edge2) in _nx.condensation(self.__digraph).edges} indices = [self.__classes_indices[edge] for edge in edges] indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda x: (-len(x), x[0])) return indices @_cached_property def __transient_states_indices(self) -> _tlist_int: indices = sorted(_it.chain.from_iterable(self.__transient_classes_indices)) return indices
[docs] @_cached_property def absorbing_states(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the absorbing states of the Markov chain. """ states = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, self.__absorbing_states_indices)] return states
[docs] @_cached_property def accessibility_matrix(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the accessibility matrix of the Markov chain. """ a = self.adjacency_matrix i = _np.eye(self.__size, dtype=int) am = _npl.matrix_power(i + a, self.__size - 1) am = (am > 0).astype(int) return am
[docs] @_cached_property def adjacency_matrix(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the adjacency matrix of the Markov chain. """ am = (self.__p > 0.0).astype(int) return am
[docs] @_cached_property def communicating_classes(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the communicating classes of the Markov chain. """ classes = [[*map(self.__states.__getitem__, i)] for i in self.__communicating_classes_indices] return classes
[docs] @_cached_property def communication_matrix(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the communication matrix of the Markov chain. """ cm = _np.zeros((self.__size, self.__size), dtype=int) for index in self.__communicating_classes_indices: cm[_np.ix_(index, index)] = 1 return cm
[docs] @_cached_property def cyclic_classes(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the cyclic classes of the Markov chain. """ classes = [[*map(self.__states.__getitem__, i)] for i in self.__cyclic_classes_indices] return classes
[docs] @_cached_property def cyclic_states(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the cyclic states of the Markov chain. """ states = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, self.__cyclic_states_indices)] return states
[docs] @_cached_property def density(self) -> float: """ A property representing the density of the transition matrix of the Markov chain. """ am = _np.copy(self.adjacency_matrix) am[_np.diag_indices_from(am)] = 0 e = float(_np.sum(am)) n = float(self.__size) d = e / (n * (n - 1.0)) return d
[docs] @_cached_property def determinant(self) -> float: """ A property representing the determinant of the transition matrix of the Markov chain. """ d = _npl.det(self.__p) return d
[docs] @_cached_property def entropy_rate(self) -> _ofloat: """ | A property representing the entropy rate of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain has multiple stationary distributions, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if len(self.pi) > 1: h = None else: pi = self.pi[0] h = 0.0 for i in range(self.__size): pi_i = pi[i] for j in range(self.__size): if self.__p[i, j] > 0.0: h += pi_i * self.__p[i, j] * _np.log(self.__p[i, j]) h = h if _np.isclose(h, 0.0) else -h return h
[docs] @_cached_property def entropy_rate_normalized(self) -> _ofloat: """ | A property representing the entropy rate, normalized between 0 and 1, of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain has multiple stationary distributions, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ h = self.entropy_rate if h is None: hn = None elif _np.isclose(h, 0.0): hn = 0.0 else: ev = _eigenvalues_sorted(self.adjacency_matrix) hn = h / _np.log(ev[-1]) hn = min(1.0, max(0.0, hn)) return hn
[docs] @_cached_property def fundamental_matrix(self) -> _oarray: """ | A property representing the fundamental matrix of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain is not **absorbing** or has no transient states, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if not self.is_absorbing or len(self.transient_states) == 0: fm = None else: indices = self.__transient_states_indices q = self.__p[_np.ix_(indices, indices)] i = _np.eye(len(indices)) fm = _npl.inv(i - q) return fm
[docs] @_cached_property def implied_timescales(self) -> _oarray: """ | A property representing the implied timescales of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain is not **ergodic**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if not self.is_ergodic: it = None else: ev = self.__eigenvalues_sorted[::-1] with _np.errstate(divide='ignore'): it = _np.append(_np.inf, -1.0 / _np.log(ev[1:])) return it
[docs] @_cached_property def incidence_matrix(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the incidence matrix of the Markov chain. """ n = self.__size k = n**2 im = _np.zeros((n, k), dtype=int) us = _np.repeat(self.__states_indices, n) vs = _np.tile(self.__states_indices, n) for index, (u, v) in enumerate(zip(us, vs)): if u == v: continue im[u, index] = 1 im[v, index] = 1 return im
[docs] @_cached_property def is_absorbing(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is absorbing. """ if len(self.absorbing_states) == 0: result = False else: indices = set(self.__states_indices) absorbing_indices = set(self.__absorbing_states_indices) transient_indices = set() progress = True unknown_states = None while progress: unknown_states = indices.copy() - absorbing_indices - transient_indices known_states = absorbing_indices | transient_indices progress = False for i in unknown_states: for j in known_states: if self.__p[i, j] > 0.0: transient_indices.add(i) progress = True break result = len(unknown_states) == 0 return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_aperiodic(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is aperiodic. """ if self.is_irreducible: result = set(self.periods).pop() == 1 elif all(period == 1 for period in self.periods): result = True else: # pragma: no cover result = _nx.is_aperiodic(self.__digraph) return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_canonical(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain has a canonical form. """ recurrent_indices = self.__recurrent_states_indices transient_indices = self.__transient_states_indices if len(recurrent_indices) == 0 or len(transient_indices) == 0: result = True else: result = max(transient_indices) < min(recurrent_indices) return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_doubly_stochastic(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is doubly stochastic. """ result = _np.allclose(_np.sum(self.__p, axis=0), 1.0) return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_ergodic(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is ergodic. """ result = self.is_irreducible and self.is_aperiodic return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_irreducible(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is irreducible. """ result = len(self.communicating_classes) == 1 return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_regular(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is regular. """ d = _np.diag(self.__p) nz = _np.count_nonzero(d) if nz > 0: k = (2 * self.__size) - nz - 1 else: k = self.__size**self.__size - (2 * self.__size) + 2 result = _np.all(_npl.matrix_power(self.__p, k) > 0.0) return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_reversible(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is reversible. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker if len(self.pi) > 1: return False pi = self.pi[0] x = pi[:, _np.newaxis] * self.__p result = _np.allclose(x, _np.transpose(x)) return result
[docs] @_cached_property @_object_mark(aliases=['is_monotone']) def is_stochastically_monotone(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is stochastically monotone. """ result = True for m in range(1, self.__size): sm = _np.sum(self.__p[:, m:], axis=1) for k, l in zip(range(self.__size - 1), range(1, self.__size)): sk = sm[k] sl = sm[l] if sl < sk: result = False break return result
[docs] @_cached_property def is_symmetric(self) -> bool: """ A property indicating whether the Markov chain is symmetric. """ result = _np.allclose(self.__p, _np.transpose(self.__p)) return result
[docs] @_cached_property def kemeny_constant(self) -> _ofloat: """ | A property representing the Kemeny's constant of the fundamental matrix of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain is not **absorbing** or has no transient states, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ fm = self.fundamental_matrix if fm is None: kc = None elif fm.size == 1: kc = fm[0].item() else: kc = _np.trace(fm).item() return kc
[docs] @_cached_property def lumping_partitions(self) -> _tpartitions: """ A property representing all the partitions of the Markov chain that satisfy the ordinary lumpability criterion. """ lp = _find_lumping_partitions(self.__p) return lp
[docs] @_cached_property def mixing_rate(self) -> _ofloat: """ | A property representing the mixing rate of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain is not **ergodic** or the **SLEM** (second largest eigenvalue modulus) cannot be computed, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if self.__slem is None: mr = None else: mr = -1.0 / _np.log(self.__slem) return mr
@property def n(self) -> int: """ A property representing the size of the Markov chain state space. """ return self.__size @property def p(self) -> _tarray: """ A property representing the transition matrix of the Markov chain. """ return _np.copy(self.__p)
[docs] @_cached_property def period(self) -> int: """ A property representing the period of the Markov chain. """ if self.is_aperiodic: period = 1 elif self.is_irreducible: period = set(self.periods).pop() else: # pragma: no cover period = 1 for p in [self.periods[self.communicating_classes.index(recurrent_class)] for recurrent_class in self.recurrent_classes]: period = (period * p) // _mt.gcd(period, p) return period
[docs] @_cached_property def periods(self) -> _tlist_int: """ A property representing the period of each communicating class defined by the Markov chain. """ periods = _calculate_periods(self.__digraph) return periods
[docs] @_cached_property @_object_mark(aliases=['stationary_distributions', 'steady_states']) def pi(self) -> _tlist_array: """ | A property representing the stationary distributions of the Markov chain. | **Aliases:** stationary_distributions, steady_states """ if self.is_irreducible: s = _np.reshape(_gth_solve(self.__p), (1, self.__size)) else: s = _np.zeros((len(self.recurrent_classes), self.__size), dtype=float) for index, indices in enumerate(self.__recurrent_classes_indices): pr = self.__p[_np.ix_(indices, indices)] s[index, indices] = _gth_solve(pr) pi = [s[i, :] for i in range(s.shape[0])] return pi
[docs] @_cached_property def rank(self) -> int: """ A property representing the rank of the transition matrix of the Markov chain. """ r = _npl.matrix_rank(self.__p) return r
[docs] @_cached_property def recurrent_classes(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the recurrent classes defined by the Markov chain. """ classes = [[*map(self.__states.__getitem__, i)] for i in self.__recurrent_classes_indices] return classes
[docs] @_cached_property def recurrent_states(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the recurrent states of the Markov chain. """ states = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, self.__recurrent_states_indices)] return states
[docs] @_cached_property def relaxation_rate(self) -> _ofloat: """ | A property representing the relaxation rate of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain is not **ergodic** or the **SLEM** (second largest eigenvalue modulus) cannot be computed, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if self.__slem is None: rr = None else: rr = 1.0 / self.spectral_gap return rr
@property def size(self) -> int: """ A property representing the size of the Markov chain. """ return self.__size
[docs] @_cached_property def spectral_gap(self) -> _ofloat: """ | A property representing the spectral gap of the Markov chain. | If the Markov chain is not **ergodic** or the **SLEM** (second largest eigenvalue modulus) cannot be computed, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if self.__slem is None: sg = None else: sg = 1.0 - self.__slem return sg
@property def states(self) -> _tlist_str: """ A property representing the states of the Markov chain. """ return self.__states
[docs] @_cached_property def topological_entropy(self) -> float: """ A property representing the topological entropy of the Markov chain. """ ev = _eigenvalues_sorted(self.adjacency_matrix) te = _np.log(ev[-1]) return te
[docs] @_cached_property def transient_classes(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the transient classes defined by the Markov chain. """ classes = [[*map(self.__states.__getitem__, i)] for i in self.__transient_classes_indices] return classes
[docs] @_cached_property def transient_states(self) -> _tlists_str: """ A property representing the transient states of the Markov chain. """ states = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, self.__transient_states_indices)] return states
[docs] def absorption_probabilities(self) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the absorption probabilities of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain has no transient states, then :py:class:`None` is returned. """ if 'ap' not in self.__cache: self.__cache['ap'] = _absorption_probabilities(self) return self.__cache['ap']
[docs] @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def aggregate(self, s: int, method: str = 'adaptive') -> _tmc: """ The method attempts to reduce the state space of the Markov chain to the given number of states through a Kullback-Leibler divergence minimization approach. | **Notes:** - The spectral theory based aggregation is described in `Optimal Kullback-Leibler Aggregation via Spectral Theory of Markov Chains (Deng et al., 2011) <>`_. :param s: the number of states of the reduced Markov chain. :param method: - **spectral-bottom-up** for a spectral theory based aggregation, bottom-up (more suitable for reducing a large number of states). - **spectral-top-down** for a spectral theory based aggregation, top-down (more suitable for reducing a small number of states). - **adaptive** for automatically selecting the best aggregation method. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the Markov chain defines only two states or is not **ergodic**. """ try: method = _validate_enumerator(method, ['adaptive', 'spectral-bottom-up', 'spectral-top-down']) s = _validate_integer(s, lower_limit=(2, False), upper_limit=(self.__size - 1, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if self.__size == 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The Markov chain defines only two states.') if not self.is_ergodic: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The Markov chain is not ergodic.') if method == 'adaptive': # pragma: no cover if self.__size < 30: method = 'spectral-top-down' else: method = 'spectral-bottom-up' if (float(s) / self.__size) <= 0.3 else 'spectral-top-down' func = _aggregate_spectral_bottom_up if method == 'spectral-bottom-up' else _aggregate_spectral_top_down p, states, error_message = func(self.p, self.pi[0], s) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] def are_communicating(self, state1: _tstate, state2: _tstate) -> bool: """ The method verifies whether the given states of the Markov chain are communicating. :param state1: the first state. :param state2: the second state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state1 = _validate_label(state1, self.__states) state2 = _validate_label(state2, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None a1 = self.accessibility_matrix[state1, state2] != 0 a2 = self.accessibility_matrix[state2, state1] != 0 result = a1 and a2 return result
[docs] @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def closest_reversible(self, initial_distribution: _onumeric = None, weighted: bool = False) -> _tmc: """ The method computes the closest reversible of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - The algorithm is described in `Computing the Nearest Reversible Markov chain (Nielsen & Weber, 2015) <>`_. :param initial_distribution: the distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :param weighted: a boolean indicating whether to use the weighted Frobenius norm. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the closest reversible could not be computed. """ try: initial_distribution = _np.full(self.__size, 1.0 / self.__size, dtype=float) if initial_distribution is None else _validate_vector(initial_distribution, 'stochastic', False, self.__size) weighted = _validate_boolean(weighted) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None zeros = len(initial_distribution) - _np.count_nonzero(initial_distribution) if weighted and zeros > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('If the weighted Frobenius norm is used, the initial distribution must not contain null probabilities.') if self.is_reversible: p = _np.copy(self.__p) else: p, _, error_message = _closest_reversible(self.__p, initial_distribution, weighted) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) mc = MarkovChain(p, self.__states) if not mc.is_reversible: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The closest reversible could not be computed.') return mc
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['crp']) def committor_probabilities(self, committor_type: str, states1: _tstates, states2: _tstates) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the committor probabilities between the given subsets of the state space defined by the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **ergodic**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **crp**. :param committor_type: - **backward** for the backward committor; - **forward** for the forward committor. :param states1: the first subset of the state space. :param states2: the second subset of the state space. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: committor_type = _validate_enumerator(committor_type, ['backward', 'forward']) states1 = _validate_labels_current(states1, self.__states, True) states2 = _validate_labels_current(states2, self.__states, True) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None intersection = _np.intersect1d(states1, states2) if len(intersection) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError(f'The two sets of states must be disjoint. An intersection has been detected: {", ".join([str(i) for i in intersection])}.') value = _committor_probabilities(self, committor_type, states1, states2) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['conditional_distribution', 'cd', 'cp']) def conditional_probabilities(self, state: _tstate) -> _tarray: """ The method computes the probabilities, for all the states of the Markov chain, conditioned on the process being at the given state. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **conditional_distribution**, **cd**, **cp**. :param state: the current state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = self.__p[state, :] return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['er']) def expected_rewards(self, steps: int, rewards: _tnumeric) -> _tarray: """ The method computes the expected rewards of the Markov chain after **N** steps, given the reward value of each state. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **er**. :param steps: the number of steps. :param rewards: the reward values. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(0, True)) rewards = _validate_rewards(rewards, self.__size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _expected_rewards(self.__p, steps, rewards) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['et']) def expected_transitions(self, steps: int, initial_distribution: _onumeric = None) -> _tarray: """ The method computes the expected number of transitions performed by the Markov chain after *N* steps, given the initial distribution of the states. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **et**. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_distribution: the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(0, True)) initial_distribution = _np.full(self.__size, 1.0 / self.__size, dtype=float) if initial_distribution is None else _validate_vector(initial_distribution, 'stochastic', False, self.__size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _expected_transitions(self.__p, self.__rdl_decomposition, steps, initial_distribution) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['fpp']) def first_passage_probabilities(self, steps: int, initial_state: _tstate, first_passage_states: _ostates = None) -> _tarray: """ The method computes the first passage probabilities of the Markov chain after *N* steps, given the initial state and, optionally, the first passage states. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **fpp**. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_state: the initial state. :param first_passage_states: the first passage states. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(0, True)) initial_state = _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) if first_passage_states is not None: first_passage_states = _validate_labels_current(first_passage_states, self.__states, False) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _first_passage_probabilities(self, steps, initial_state, first_passage_states) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['fpr']) def first_passage_reward(self, steps: int, initial_state: _tstate, first_passage_states: _tstates, rewards: _tnumeric) -> float: """ The method computes the first passage reward of the Markov chain after *N* steps, given the reward value of each state, the initial state and the first passage states. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **fpr**. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_state: the initial state. :param first_passage_states: the first passage states. :param rewards: the reward values. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the Markov chain defines only two states. """ try: initial_state = _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) first_passage_states = _validate_labels_current(first_passage_states, self.__states, True) rewards = _validate_rewards(rewards, self.__size) steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(0, True)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if self.__size == 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The Markov chain defines only two states and the first passage rewards cannot be computed.') if initial_state in first_passage_states: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('The first passage states cannot include the initial state.') if len(first_passage_states) == (self.__size - 1): # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('The first passage states cannot include all the states except the initial one.') value = _first_passage_reward(self, steps, initial_state, first_passage_states, rewards) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['hp']) def hitting_probabilities(self, targets: _ostates = None) -> _tarray: """ The method computes the hitting probability, for the states of the Markov chain, to the given set of states. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **hp**. :param targets: the target states (*if omitted, all the states are targeted*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: if targets is None: targets = self.__states_indices.copy() else: targets = _validate_labels_current(targets, self.__states, False) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _hitting_probabilities(self, targets) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['ht']) def hitting_times(self, targets: _ostates = None) -> _tarray: """ The method computes the hitting times, for all the states of the Markov chain, to the given set of states. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **ht**. :param targets: the target states (*if omitted, all the states are targeted*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: if targets is None: targets = self.__states_indices.copy() else: targets = _validate_labels_current(targets, self.__states, False) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _hitting_times(self, targets) return value
[docs] def is_absorbing_state(self, state: _tstate) -> bool: """ The method verifies whether the given state of the Markov chain is absorbing. :param state: the target state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None result = state in self.__absorbing_states_indices return result
[docs] def is_accessible(self, state_target: _tstate, state_origin: _tstate) -> bool: """ The method verifies whether the given target state is reachable from the given origin state. :param state_target: the target state. :param state_origin: the origin state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state_target = _validate_label(state_target, self.__states) state_origin = _validate_label(state_origin, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None result = self.accessibility_matrix[state_origin, state_target] != 0 return result
[docs] def is_cyclic_state(self, state: _tstate) -> bool: """ The method verifies whether the given state is cyclic. :param state: the target state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None result = state in self.__cyclic_states_indices return result
[docs] def is_recurrent_state(self, state: _tstate) -> bool: """ The method verifies whether the given state is recurrent. :param state: the target state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None result = state in self.__recurrent_states_indices return result
[docs] def is_transient_state(self, state: _tstate) -> bool: """ The method verifies whether the given state is transient. :param state: the target state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None result = state in self.__transient_states_indices return result
[docs] @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def lump(self, partitions: _tpartition) -> _tmc: """ The method attempts to reduce the state space of the Markov chain with respect to the given partitions following the ordinary lumpability criterion. :param partitions: the partitions of the state space. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the Markov chain defines only two states or is not lumpable with respect to the given partitions. """ try: partitions = _validate_partitions(partitions, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if self.__size == 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The Markov chain defines only two states.') p, states, error_message = _lump(self.p, self.states, partitions) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['mat']) def mean_absorption_times(self) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the mean absorption times of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **absorbing** or has no transient states, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **mat**. """ if 'mat' not in self.__cache: self.__cache['mat'] = _mean_absorption_times(self) return self.__cache['mat']
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['mfpt_between', 'mfptb']) def mean_first_passage_times_between(self, origins: _tstates, targets: _tstates) -> _ofloat: """ The method computes the mean first passage times between the given subsets of the state space. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **ergodic**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **mfpt_between**, **mfptb**. :param origins: the origin states. :param targets: the target states. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: origins = _validate_labels_current(origins, self.__states, True) targets = _validate_labels_current(targets, self.__states, True) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _mean_first_passage_times_between(self, origins, targets) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['mfpt_to', 'mfptt']) def mean_first_passage_times_to(self, targets: _ostates = None) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the mean first passage times, for all the states, to the given set of states. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **ergodic**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **mfpt_to**, **mfptt**. :param targets: the target states (*if omitted, all the states are targeted*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: if targets is not None: targets = _validate_labels_current(targets, self.__states, False) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _mean_first_passage_times_to(self, targets) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['mnv']) def mean_number_visits(self) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the mean number of visits of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **mnv**. """ if 'mnv' not in self.__cache: self.__cache['mnv'] = _mean_number_visits(self) return self.__cache['mnv']
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['mrt']) def mean_recurrence_times(self) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the mean recurrence times of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **ergodic**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **mrt**. """ if 'mrt' not in self.__cache: self.__cache['mrt'] = _mean_recurrence_times(self) return self.__cache['mrt']
[docs] @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def merge_with(self, other: _tmc, gamma: float) -> _tmc: """ The method returns a Markov chain whose transition matrix is defined below. | :math:`p_{new} = (1 - \gamma) p_{current} + \gamma p_{other}` :param other: the other Markov chain to be merged. :param gamma: the merger blending factor. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: other = _validate_markov_chain(other, self.__size) gamma = _validate_float(gamma, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(1.0, True)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p_current = self.__p p_other = other.p p = ((1.0 - gamma) * p_current) + (gamma * p_other) states = _create_labels(self.__size, 'M') mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['mt']) def mixing_time(self, initial_distribution: _onumeric = None, jump: int = 1, cutoff_type: str = 'natural') -> _oint: """ The method computes the mixing time of the Markov chain, given the initial distribution of the states. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **ergodic**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **mt**. :param initial_distribution: the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :param jump: the number of steps in each iteration. :param cutoff_type: - **natural** for the natural cutoff; - **traditional** for the traditional cutoff. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: initial_distribution = _np.full(self.__size, 1.0 / self.__size, dtype=float) if initial_distribution is None else _validate_vector(initial_distribution, 'stochastic', False, self.__size) jump = _validate_integer(jump, lower_limit=(0, True)) cutoff_type = _validate_enumerator(cutoff_type, ['natural', 'traditional']) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None cutoff = 0.25 if cutoff_type == 'traditional' else 1.0 / (2.0 * _np.exp(1.0)) value = _mixing_time(self, initial_distribution, jump, cutoff) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(random_output=True) def next(self, initial_state: _tstate, output_index: bool = False, seed: _oint = None) -> _tstate: """ The method simulates a single step in a random walk. :param initial_state: the initial state. :param output_index: a boolean indicating whether to output the state index. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) initial_state = _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) output_index = _validate_boolean(output_index) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _simulate(self, 1, initial_state, None, rng)[-1] if not output_index: value = self.__states[value] return value
[docs] def predict(self, steps: int, initial_state: _tstate, output_indices: bool = False) -> _osequence: """ The method computes the most probable sequence of states produced by a random walk of *N* steps, given the initial state. | **Notes:** - In presence of probability ties :py:class:`None` is returned. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_state: the initial state. :param output_indices: a boolean indicating whether to output the state indices. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(0, True)) initial_state = _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) output_indices = _validate_boolean(output_indices) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _predict(self, steps, initial_state) if value is not None and not output_indices: value = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, value)] return value
[docs] def redistribute(self, steps: int, initial_status: _ostatus = None, output_last: bool = True) -> _tredists: """ The method performs a redistribution of states of *N* steps. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_status: the initial state or the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :param output_last: a boolean indicating whether to output only the last distributions. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(1, False)) initial_status = _np.full(self.__size, 1.0 / self.__size, dtype=float) if initial_status is None else _validate_status(initial_status, self.__states) output_last = _validate_boolean(output_last) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _redistribute(self, steps, initial_status, output_last) return value
[docs] def sensitivity(self, state: _tstate) -> _oarray: """ The method computes the sensitivity matrix of the stationary distribution with respect to a given state. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain is not **irreducible**, then :py:class:`None` is returned. :param state: the target state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state = _validate_label(state, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _sensitivity(self, state) return value
[docs] def sequence_probability(self, sequence: _tsequence) -> float: """ The method computes the probability of a given sequence of states. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _sequence_probability(self, sequence) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(random_output=True) def simulate(self, steps: int, initial_state: _ostate = None, final_state: _ostate = None, output_indices: bool = False, seed: _oint = None) -> _tsequence: """ The method simulates a random walk of the given number of steps. :param steps: the number of steps. :param initial_state: the initial state (*if omitted, it is chosen uniformly at random*). :param final_state: the final state of the walk (*if specified, the simulation stops as soon as it is reached even if not all the steps have been performed*). :param output_indices: a boolean indicating whether to output the state indices. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) steps = _validate_integer(steps, lower_limit=(2, False)) initial_state = rng.randint(0, self.__size) if initial_state is None else _validate_label(initial_state, self.__states) final_state = None if final_state is None else _validate_label(final_state, self.__states) output_indices = _validate_boolean(output_indices) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _simulate(self, steps, initial_state, final_state, rng) if not output_indices: value = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, value)] return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['tc']) def time_correlations(self, sequence1: _tsequence, sequence2: _osequence = None, time_points: _ttimes_in = 1) -> _otimes_out: """ The method computes the time autocorrelations of a single observed sequence of states or the time cross-correlations of two observed sequences of states. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain has multiple stationary distributions, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - If a single time point is provided, then a :py:class:`float` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **tc**. :param sequence1: the first observed sequence of states. :param sequence2: the second observed sequence of states. :param time_points: the time point or a list of time points at which the computation is performed. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: sequence1 = _validate_sequence(sequence1, self.__states) if sequence2 is not None: sequence2 = _validate_sequence(sequence2, self.__states) time_points = _validate_time_points(time_points) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _time_correlations(self, self.__rdl_decomposition, sequence1, sequence2, time_points) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['tr']) def time_relaxations(self, sequence: _tsequence, initial_distribution: _onumeric = None, time_points: _ttimes_in = 1) -> _otimes_out: """ The method computes the time relaxations of an observed sequence of states with respect to the given initial distribution of the states. | **Notes:** - If the Markov chain has multiple stationary distributions, then :py:class:`None` is returned. - If a single time point is provided, then a :py:class:`float` is returned. - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **tr**. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :param initial_distribution: the initial distribution of the states (*if omitted, the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed*). :param time_points: the time point or a list of time points at which the computation is performed. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, self.__states) initial_distribution = _np.full(self.__size, 1.0 / self.__size, dtype=float) if initial_distribution is None else _validate_vector(initial_distribution, 'stochastic', False, self.__size) time_points = _validate_time_points(time_points) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = _time_relaxations(self, self.__rdl_decomposition, sequence, initial_distribution, time_points) return value
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['to_bounded'], instance_generator=True) def to_bounded_chain(self, boundary_condition: _tbcond) -> _tmc: """ The method returns a bounded Markov chain by adjusting the transition matrix of the original process using the specified boundary condition. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **to_bounded**. :param boundary_condition: - a number representing the first probability of the semi-reflecting condition; - a string representing the boundary condition type (either absorbing or reflecting). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: boundary_condition = _validate_boundary_condition(boundary_condition) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, _, _ = _bounded(self.__p, boundary_condition) mc = MarkovChain(p, self.__states) return mc
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['to_canonical'], instance_generator=True) def to_canonical_form(self) -> _tmc: """ The method returns the canonical form of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **to_canonical**. """ p, _, _ = _canonical(self.__p, self.__recurrent_states_indices, self.__transient_states_indices) states = [*map(self.__states.__getitem__, self.__transient_states_indices + self.__recurrent_states_indices)] mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] def to_dictionary(self) -> _tmc_dict: """ The method returns a dictionary representing the Markov chain. """ d = {(self.__states[i], self.__states[j]): self.__p[i, j] for i in range(self.__size) for j in range(self.__size)} return d
[docs] def to_file(self, file_path: _tpath): """ The method writes a Markov chain to the given file. | Only **csv**, **json**, **txt** and **xml** files are supported; data format is inferred from the file extension. :param file_path: the location of the file in which the Markov chain must be written. :raises OSError: if the file cannot be written. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: file_path, file_extension = _validate_file_path(file_path, ['.csv', '.json', '.xml', '.txt'], True) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None d = self.to_dictionary() if file_extension == '.csv': _write_csv(True, d, file_path) elif file_extension == '.json': _write_json(True, d, file_path) elif file_extension == '.txt': _write_txt(d, file_path) else: _write_xml(True, d, file_path)
[docs] def to_graph(self) -> _tgraph: """ The method returns a directed graph representing the Markov chain. """ graph = _cp.deepcopy(self.__digraph) return graph
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['to_lazy'], instance_generator=True) def to_lazy_chain(self, inertial_weights: _tweights = 0.5) -> _tmc: """ The method returns a lazy Markov chain by adjusting the state inertia of the original process. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **to_lazy**. :param inertial_weights: the inertial weights to apply for the transformation. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: inertial_weights = _validate_vector(inertial_weights, 'unconstrained', True, self.__size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, _, _ = _lazy(self.__p, inertial_weights) mc = MarkovChain(p, self.__states) return mc
[docs] def to_matrix(self) -> _tarray: """ The method returns the transition matrix of the Markov chain. """ m = _np.copy(self.__p) return m
# noinspection GrazieInspection @_object_mark(aliases=['to_nth'], instance_generator=True) def to_nth_order(self, order: int = 2) -> _tmc: """ The method returns an nth-order transformation of the Markov chain. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **to_nth**. :param order: the inertial weights to apply for the transformation. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: order = _validate_integer(order, lower_limit=(2, False)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p = _npl.matrix_power(self.__p, order) mc = MarkovChain(p, self.__states) return mc
[docs] @_object_mark(aliases=['to_sub'], instance_generator=True) def to_subchain(self, states: _tstates) -> _tmc: """ The method returns a subchain containing all the given states plus all the states reachable from them. | **Notes:** - The method can be accessed through the following aliases: **to_sub**. :param states: the states to include in the subchain. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the subchain is not a valid Markov chain. """ try: states = _validate_labels_current(states, self.__states, True) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, states_out, error_message = _sub(self.__p, self.__states, self.adjacency_matrix, states) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) mc = MarkovChain(p, states_out) return mc
[docs] def transition_probability(self, state_target: _tstate, state_origin: _tstate) -> float: """ The method computes the probability of a given state, conditioned on the process being at a given state. :param state_target: the target state. :param state_origin: the origin state. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: state_target = _validate_label(state_target, self.__states) state_origin = _validate_label(state_origin, self.__states) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None value = self.__p[state_origin, state_target] return value
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def approximation(size: int, approximation_type: str, alpha: float, sigma: float, rho: float, states: _olist_str = None, k: _ofloat = None) -> _tmc: """ The method approximates the Markov chain associated with the discretized version of the first-order autoregressive process defined below. | :math:`y_t = (1 - \\rho) \\alpha + \\rho y_{t-1} + \\varepsilon_t` | with :math:`\\varepsilon_t \\overset{i.i.d}{\\sim} \\mathcal{N}(0, \\sigma_{\\varepsilon}^{2})` :param size: the size of the Markov chain. :param approximation_type: - **adda-cooper** for the Adda-Cooper approximation; - **rouwenhorst** for the Rouwenhorst approximation; - **tauchen** for the Tauchen approximation; - **tauchen-hussey** for the Tauchen-Hussey approximation. :param alpha: the constant term :math:`\\alpha`, representing the unconditional mean of the process. :param sigma: the standard deviation of the innovation term :math:`\\varepsilon`. :param rho: the autocorrelation coefficient :math:`\\rho`, representing the persistence of the process across periods. :param k: - In the Tauchen approximation, the number of standard deviations to approximate out to (*if omitted, the value is set to 3*). - In the Tauchen-Hussey approximation, the standard deviation used for the gaussian quadrature (*if omitted, the value is set to an optimal default*). :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the gaussian quadrature fails to converge in the Tauchen-Hussey approximation. """ try: size = _validate_integer(size, lower_limit=(2, False)) approximation_type = _validate_enumerator(approximation_type, ['adda-cooper', 'rouwenhorst', 'tauchen', 'tauchen-hussey']) alpha = _validate_float(alpha) sigma = _validate_float(sigma, lower_limit=(0.0, True)) rho = _validate_float(rho, lower_limit=(-1.0, False), upper_limit=(1.0, False)) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, size) if approximation_type == 'tauchen': k = 3.0 if k is None else _validate_float(k, lower_limit=(1.0, False)) elif approximation_type == 'tauchen-hussey': k = ((0.5 + (rho / 4.0)) * sigma) + ((1 - (0.5 + (rho / 4.0))) * (sigma / _np.sqrt(1.0 - rho**2.0))) if k is None else _validate_float(k, lower_limit=(0.0, True)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, states_out, error_message = _approximation(size, approximation_type, alpha, sigma, rho, k) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def birth_death(p: _tarray, q: _tarray, states: _olist_str = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a birth-death Markov chain of given size and from given probabilities. :param q: the creation probabilities. :param p: the annihilation probabilities. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: p = _validate_vector(p, 'creation', False) q = _validate_vector(q, 'annihilation', False) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, {p.shape[0], q.shape[0]}.pop()) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if p.shape[0] != q.shape[0]: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('The vector of annihilation probabilities and the vector of creation probabilities must have the same size.') if not _np.all(q + p <= 1.0): # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('The sums of annihilation and creation probabilities must be less than or equal to 1.') p, states_out, _ = _birth_death(p, q) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def dirichlet_process(size: int, diffusion_factor: int, states: _olist_str = None, diagonal_bias_factor: _ofloat = None, shift_concentration: bool = False, seed: _oint = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain of given size using a parametrized Dirichlet process. :param size: the size of the Markov chain. :param diffusion_factor: the diffusion factor of the Dirichlet process. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :param diagonal_bias_factor: the bias factor applied to the diagonal of the transition matrix (*if omitted, no inside-state stability is enforced*). :param shift_concentration: a boolean indicating whether to shift the concentration of the Dirichlet process to the rightmost states. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) size = _validate_integer(size, lower_limit=(2, False)) diffusion_factor = _validate_integer(diffusion_factor, lower_limit=(1, False), upper_limit=(size, False)) diagonal_bias_factor = None if diagonal_bias_factor is None else _validate_float(diagonal_bias_factor, lower_limit=(0.0, True)) shift_concentration = _validate_boolean(shift_concentration) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, states_out, _ = _dirichlet_process(rng, size, float(diffusion_factor), diagonal_bias_factor, shift_concentration) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def fit_function(quadrature_type: str, possible_states: _tlist_str, f: _ttfunc, quadrature_interval: _ointerval = None) -> _tmc: """ The method fits a Markov chain using the given transition function and the given quadrature type for the computation of nodes and weights. | **Notes:** - The transition function takes the four input arguments below and returns a numeric value: - **x_index** an integer value representing the index of the i-th quadrature node; - **x_value** a float value representing the value of the i-th quadrature node; - **y_index** an integer value representing the index of the j-th quadrature node; - **y_value** a float value representing the value of the j-th quadrature node. :param quadrature_type: - **gauss-chebyshev** for the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature; - **gauss-legendre** for the Gauss-Legendre quadrature; - **niederreiter** for the Niederreiter equidistributed sequence; - **newton-cotes** for the Newton-Cotes quadrature; - **simpson-rule** for the Simpson rule; - **trapezoid-rule** for the Trapezoid rule. :param possible_states: the possible states of the process. :param f: the transition function of the process. :param quadrature_interval: the quadrature interval to use for the computation of nodes and weights (*if omitted, the interval [0, 1] is used*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the Gauss-Legendre quadrature fails to converge. """ try: quadrature_type = _validate_enumerator(quadrature_type, ['gauss-chebyshev', 'gauss-legendre', 'niederreiter', 'newton-cotes', 'simpson-rule', 'trapezoid-rule']) f = _validate_transition_function(f) possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) quadrature_interval = (0.0, 1.0) if quadrature_interval is None else _validate_interval(quadrature_interval) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if quadrature_type == 'simpson-rule' and (len(possible_states) % 2) == 0: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError('The quadrature based on the Simpson rule requires an odd number of possible states.') p, error_message = _fit_function(quadrature_type, quadrature_interval, possible_states, f) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(error_message) mc = MarkovChain(p, possible_states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def fit_sequence(fitting_type: str, possible_states: _tlist_str, sequence: _tsequence, fitting_param: _tany = None) -> _tmc: """ The method fits a Markov chain from an observed sequence of states using the specified fitting approach. :param fitting_type: - **map** for the maximum a posteriori fitting; - **mle** for the maximum likelihood fitting. :param possible_states: the possible states of the process. :param sequence: the observed sequence of states. :param fitting_param: | - In the maximum a posteriori fitting, the matrix for the a priori distribution (*if omitted, a default value of 1 is assigned to each matrix element*). | - In the maximum likelihood fitting, a boolean indicating whether to apply a Laplace smoothing to compensate for the unseen transition combinations (*if omitted, the value is set to True*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: possible_states = _validate_labels_input(possible_states) sequence = _validate_sequence(sequence, possible_states) fitting_type = _validate_enumerator(fitting_type, ['map', 'mle']) if fitting_param is not None: if fitting_type == 'map': fitting_param = _validate_hyperparameter(fitting_param, len(possible_states)) else: fitting_param = _validate_boolean(fitting_param) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if fitting_param is None: if fitting_type == 'map': possible_states_length = len(possible_states) fitting_param = _np.ones((possible_states_length, possible_states_length), dtype=float) else: fitting_param = False p, _ = _fit_sequence(fitting_type, fitting_param, possible_states, sequence) mc = MarkovChain(p, possible_states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_dictionary(d: _tmc_dict_flex) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain from the given dictionary, whose keys represent state pairs and whose values represent transition probabilities. :param d: the dictionary to transform into the transition matrix. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the transition matrix defined by the dictionary is not valid. """ try: d = _validate_dictionary(d) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None states = [key[0] for key in d.keys() if key[0] == key[1]] size = len(states) if size < 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The size of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must be greater than or equal to 2.') p = _np.zeros((size, size), dtype=float) for (state_from, state_to), probability in d.items(): p[states.index(state_from), states.index(state_to)] = probability if not _np.allclose(_np.sum(p, axis=1), _np.ones(size, dtype=float)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The rows of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must sum to 1.0.') mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_file(file_path: _tpath) -> _tmc: r""" The method reads a Markov chain from the given file. | Only **csv**, **json**, **txt** and **xml** files are supported; data format is inferred from the file extension. | In **csv** files, data must be structured as follows: - *Delimiter:* **comma** - *Quoting:* **minimal** - *Quote Character:* **double quote** - *Header Row:* state names - *Data Rows:* probabilities | In **json** files, data must be structured as an array of objects with the following properties: - **state_from** *(string)* - **state_to** *(string)* - **probability** *(float or int)* | In **txt** files, every line of the file must have the following format: - **<state_from> <state_to> <probability>** | In **xml** files, the structure must be defined as follows: - *Root Element:* **MarkovChain** - *Child Elements:* **Item**\ *, with attributes:* - **state_from** *(string)* - **state_to** *(string)* - **probability** *(float or int)* :param file_path: the location of the file that defines the Markov chain. :raises FileNotFoundError: if the file does not exist. :raises OSError: if the file cannot be read or is empty. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. :raises ValueError: if the file contains invalid data. """ try: file_path, file_extension = _validate_file_path(file_path, ['.csv', '.json', '.xml', '.txt'], False) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if file_extension == '.csv': d = _read_csv(True, file_path) elif file_extension == '.json': d = _read_json(True, file_path) elif file_extension == '.txt': d = _read_txt(True, file_path) else: d = _read_xml(True, file_path) states = [key[0] for key in d if key[0] == key[1]] size = len(states) if size < 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The size of the transition matrix defined by the dictionary must be greater than or equal to 2.') p = _np.zeros((size, size), dtype=float) for (state_from, state_to), probability in d.items(): p[states.index(state_from), states.index(state_to)] = probability if not _np.allclose(_np.sum(p, axis=1), _np.ones(size, dtype=float)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The rows of the transition matrix defined by the file must sum to 1.0.') mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_graph(graph: _tgraphs) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain from the given directed graph, whose transition matrix is obtained through the normalization of edge weights. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: graph = _validate_graph(graph) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None states = list(graph.nodes) size = len(states) p = _np.zeros((size, size), dtype=float) edges = list(graph.edges(data='weight', default=0.0)) for edge in edges: i = states.index(edge[0]) j = states.index(edge[1]) p[i, j] = float(edge[2]) p_sums = _np.sum(p, axis=1) for i in range(size): p_sums_i = p_sums[i] if _np.isclose(p_sums_i, 0.0): # pragma: no cover p[i, :] = _np.ones(size, dtype=float) / size else: p[i, :] /= p_sums_i mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def from_matrix(m: _tnumeric, states: _olist_str = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain whose transition matrix is obtained through the normalization of the given matrix. :param m: the matrix to transform into the transition matrix. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: m = _validate_matrix(m) states = _create_labels(m.shape[1]) if states is None else _validate_labels_input(states, m.shape[1]) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p = _np.copy(m) p_sums = _np.sum(p, axis=1) size = p.shape[1] for i in range(size): p_sums_i = p_sums[i] if _np.isclose(p_sums_i, 0.0): # pragma: no cover p[i, :] = _np.ones(size, dtype=float) / size else: p[i, :] /= p_sums_i mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def gamblers_ruin(size: int, w: float, states: _olist_str = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a gambler's ruin Markov chain of given size and win probability. :param size: the size of the Markov chain. :param w: the win probability. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: size = _validate_integer(size, lower_limit=(3, False)) w = _validate_float(w, lower_limit=(0.0, True), upper_limit=(1.0, True)) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, states_out, _ = _gamblers_ruin(size, w) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def identity(size: int, states: _olist_str = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain of given size based on an identity transition matrix. :param size: the size of the Markov chain. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: size = _validate_integer(size, lower_limit=(2, False)) states = _create_labels(size) if states is None else _validate_labels_input(states, size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p = _np.eye(size) mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def population_genetics_model(model: str, n: int, s: float = 0.0, u: float = 1.0e-9, v: float = 1.0e-9, states: _olist_str = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain based on the specified population genetics model. :param model: - **moran** for the Moran model; - **wright-fisher** for the Wright-Fisher model. :param n: the number of individuals. :param s: the selection intensity. :param u: the backward mutation rate. :param v: the forward mutation rate. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: model = _validate_enumerator(model, ['moran', 'wright-fisher']) n = _validate_integer(n, lower_limit=(2, False), upper_limit=(500, False)) s = _validate_float(s, lower_limit=(-1.0, False)) u = _validate_float(u, lower_limit=(0.0, False), upper_limit=(1.0, False)) v = _validate_float(v, lower_limit=(0.0, False), upper_limit=(1.0, False)) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, n + 1) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None if model == 'wright-fisher' and (4.0 * n * max(u, v)) > 1.0: raise _ValidationError('The highest mutation rate specified is too high for the Wright-Fisher model.') p, states_out, _ = _population_genetics_model(model, n, s, u, v) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True, random_output=True) def random(size: int, states: _olist_str = None, zeros: int = 0, mask: _onumeric = None, seed: _oint = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain of given size with random transition probabilities. | **Notes:** - In the mask parameter, undefined transition probabilities are represented by *NaN* values. :param size: the size of the Markov chain. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :param zeros: the number of null transition probabilities. :param mask: a matrix representing locations and values of fixed transition probabilities. :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: rng = _create_rng(seed) size = _validate_integer(size, lower_limit=(2, False)) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, size) zeros = _validate_integer(zeros, lower_limit=(0, False)) mask = _np.full((size, size), _np.nan, dtype=float) if mask is None else _validate_mask(mask, size, size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, states_out, error_message = _random(rng, size, zeros, mask) if error_message is not None: # pragma: no cover raise _ValidationError(error_message) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True, random_output=True) def random_distribution(size: int, f: _trandfunc_flex, states: _olist_str = None, seed: _oint = None, **kwargs) -> _tmc: r""" The method generates a Markov chain of given size using draws from a `Numpy <>`_ random distribution function. | **Notes:** - *NaN* values are replaced with zeros - Infinite values are replaced with finite numbers. - Negative values are clipped to zero. - In transition matrix rows with no positive values the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed. - In light of the above points, random distribution functions must be carefully parametrized. :param size: the size of the Markov chain. :param f: the Numpy random distribution function or the name of the Numpy random distribution function. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :param seed: a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes. :param \**kwargs: additional arguments passed to the random distribution function. :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ if MarkovChain.__random_distributions is None: MarkovChain.__random_distributions = _get_numpy_random_distributions() try: rng = _create_rng(seed) size = _validate_integer(size, lower_limit=(2, False)) f = _validate_random_distribution(f, rng, MarkovChain.__random_distributions) states = _create_labels(size) if states is None else _validate_labels_input(states, size) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p = f(size=(size, size), **kwargs).astype(float) p = _np.clip(_np.nan_to_num(p, copy=False), 0.0, None) p[_np.where(~p.any(axis=1)), :] = _np.ones(p.shape[1], dtype=float) p /= _np.sum(p, axis=1, keepdims=True) mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc
[docs] @staticmethod @_object_mark(instance_generator=True) def urn_model(model: str, n: int, states: _olist_str = None) -> _tmc: """ The method generates a Markov chain of size **2N + 1** based on the specified urn model. :param model: - **bernoulli-laplace** for the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model; - **ehrenfest** for the Ehrenfest urn model. :param n: the number of elements in each urn. :param states: the name of each state (*if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1*). :raises ValidationError: if any input argument is not compliant. """ try: model = _validate_enumerator(model, ['bernoulli-laplace', 'ehrenfest']) n = _validate_integer(n, lower_limit=(1, False)) if states is not None: # pragma: no cover states = _validate_labels_input(states, (2 * n) + 1) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise _create_validation_error(ex, _ins.trace()) from None p, states_out, _ = _urn_model(model, n) if states is None: states = states_out mc = MarkovChain(p, states) return mc