Static Methods

class pydtmc.MarkovChain[source]
approximation(size, approximation_type, alpha, sigma, rho, states=None, k=None)[source]

The method approximates the Markov chain associated with the discretized version of the first-order autoregressive process defined below.

\(y_t = (1 - \rho) \alpha + \rho y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t\)
with \(\varepsilon_t \overset{i.i.d}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_{\varepsilon}^{2})\)
  • size (int) – the size of the Markov chain.

  • approximation_type (str)

    • adda-cooper for the Adda-Cooper approximation;

    • rouwenhorst for the Rouwenhorst approximation;

    • tauchen for the Tauchen approximation;

    • tauchen-hussey for the Tauchen-Hussey approximation.

  • alpha (float) – the constant term \(\alpha\), representing the unconditional mean of the process.

  • sigma (float) – the standard deviation of the innovation term \(\varepsilon\).

  • rho (float) – the autocorrelation coefficient \(\rho\), representing the persistence of the process across periods.

  • k (Optional[float])

    • In the Tauchen approximation, the number of standard deviations to approximate out to (if omitted, the value is set to 3).

    • In the Tauchen-Hussey approximation, the standard deviation used for the gaussian quadrature (if omitted, the value is set to an optimal default).

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).

  • ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

  • ValueError – if the gaussian quadrature fails to converge in the Tauchen-Hussey approximation.

Return Type:


birth_death(p, q, states=None)[source]

The method generates a birth-death Markov chain of given size and from given probabilities.

  • q (ndarray) – the creation probabilities.

  • p (ndarray) – the annihilation probabilities.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


dirichlet_process(size, diffusion_factor, states=None, diagonal_bias_factor=None, shift_concentration=False, seed=None)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain of given size using a parametrized Dirichlet process.

  • size (int) – the size of the Markov chain.

  • diffusion_factor (int) – the diffusion factor of the Dirichlet process.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).

  • diagonal_bias_factor (Optional[float]) – the bias factor applied to the diagonal of the transition matrix (if omitted, no inside-state stability is enforced).

  • shift_concentration (bool) – a boolean indicating whether to shift the concentration of the Dirichlet process to the rightmost states.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


fit_function(quadrature_type, possible_states, f, quadrature_interval=None)[source]

The method fits a Markov chain using the given transition function and the given quadrature type for the computation of nodes and weights.

  • The transition function takes the four input arguments below and returns a numeric value:

    • x_index an integer value representing the index of the i-th quadrature node;

    • x_value a float value representing the value of the i-th quadrature node;

    • y_index an integer value representing the index of the j-th quadrature node;

    • y_value a float value representing the value of the j-th quadrature node.

  • quadrature_type (str)

    • gauss-chebyshev for the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature;

    • gauss-legendre for the Gauss-Legendre quadrature;

    • niederreiter for the Niederreiter equidistributed sequence;

    • newton-cotes for the Newton-Cotes quadrature;

    • simpson-rule for the Simpson rule;

    • trapezoid-rule for the Trapezoid rule.

  • possible_states (List[str]) – the possible states of the process.

  • f (Callable[[int, float, int, float], float]) – the transition function of the process.

  • quadrature_interval (Optional[Tuple[Union[float, int], Union[float, int]]]) – the quadrature interval to use for the computation of nodes and weights (if omitted, the interval [0, 1] is used).

  • ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

  • ValueError – if the Gauss-Legendre quadrature fails to converge.

Return Type:


fit_sequence(fitting_type, possible_states, sequence, fitting_param=None)[source]

The method fits a Markov chain from an observed sequence of states using the specified fitting approach.

  • fitting_type (str)

    • map for the maximum a posteriori fitting;

    • mle for the maximum likelihood fitting.

  • possible_states (List[str]) – the possible states of the process.

  • sequence (Union[List[int], List[str]]) – the observed sequence of states.

  • fitting_param (Any) –

    - In the maximum a posteriori fitting, the matrix for the a priori distribution (if omitted, a default value of 1 is assigned to each matrix element).
    - In the maximum likelihood fitting, a boolean indicating whether to apply a Laplace smoothing to compensate for the unseen transition combinations (if omitted, the value is set to True).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:



The method generates a Markov chain from the given dictionary, whose keys represent state pairs and whose values represent transition probabilities.


d (Dict[Tuple[str, str], Union[float, int]]) – the dictionary to transform into the transition matrix.

  • ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

  • ValueError – if the transition matrix defined by the dictionary is not valid.

Return Type:



The method reads a Markov chain from the given file.

Only csv, json, txt and xml files are supported; data format is inferred from the file extension.
In csv files, data must be structured as follows:
  • Delimiter: comma

  • Quoting: minimal

  • Quote Character: double quote

  • Header Row: state names

  • Data Rows: probabilities

In json files, data must be structured as an array of objects with the following properties:
  • state_from (string)

  • state_to (string)

  • probability (float or int)

In txt files, every line of the file must have the following format:
  • <state_from> <state_to> <probability>

In xml files, the structure must be defined as follows:
  • Root Element: MarkovChain

  • Child Elements: Item, with attributes:

    • state_from (string)

    • state_to (string)

    • probability (float or int)


file_path (Union[str, Path]) – the location of the file that defines the Markov chain.

Return Type:



The method generates a Markov chain from the given directed graph, whose transition matrix is obtained through the normalization of edge weights.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


from_matrix(m, states=None)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain whose transition matrix is obtained through the normalization of the given matrix.

  • m (Union[ndarray, spmatrix]) – the matrix to transform into the transition matrix.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


gamblers_ruin(size, w, states=None)[source]

The method generates a gambler’s ruin Markov chain of given size and win probability.

  • size (int) – the size of the Markov chain.

  • w (float) – the win probability.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


identity(size, states=None)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain of given size based on an identity transition matrix.

  • size (int) – the size of the Markov chain.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


population_genetics_model(model, n, s=0.0, u=1e-09, v=1e-09, states=None)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain based on the specified population genetics model.

  • model (str)

    • moran for the Moran model;

    • wright-fisher for the Wright-Fisher model.

  • n (int) – the number of individuals.

  • s (float) – the selection intensity.

  • u (float) – the backward mutation rate.

  • v (float) – the forward mutation rate.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


random(size, states=None, zeros=0, mask=None, seed=None)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain of given size with random transition probabilities.

  • In the mask parameter, undefined transition probabilities are represented by NaN values.

  • size (int) – the size of the Markov chain.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).

  • zeros (int) – the number of null transition probabilities.

  • mask (Optional[Union [ndarray, spmatrix]]) – a matrix representing locations and values of fixed transition probabilities.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


random_distribution(size, f, states=None, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain of given size using draws from a Numpy random distribution function.

  • NaN values are replaced with zeros

  • Infinite values are replaced with finite numbers.

  • Negative values are clipped to zero.

  • In transition matrix rows with no positive values the states are assumed to be uniformly distributed.

  • In light of the above points, random distribution functions must be carefully parametrized.

  • size (int) – the size of the Markov chain.

  • f (Union[Callable, str]) – the Numpy random distribution function or the name of the Numpy random distribution function.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – a seed to be used as RNG initializer for reproducibility purposes.

  • **kwargs – additional arguments passed to the random distribution function.


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:


urn_model(model, n, states=None)[source]

The method generates a Markov chain of size 2N + 1 based on the specified urn model.

  • model (str)

    • bernoulli-laplace for the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model;

    • ehrenfest for the Ehrenfest urn model.

  • n (int) – the number of elements in each urn.

  • states (Optional[List[str]]) – the name of each state (if omitted, an increasing sequence of integers starting at 1).


ValidationError – if any input argument is not compliant.

Return Type:
